2022 Awards

The LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards acknowledged and honoured councils that exceeded expectations to enhance the welfare and prosperity of their communities.
The awards were judged on a combination of criteria, incorporating best practice and components from the CouncilMARK™ excellence programme's four priority areas.
The winners of the 2022 LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards were named at the Fulton Hogan Conference Dinner and LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards function on Friday 22 July 2022.
Below are videos of some of the winners from the LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards.
Fulton Hogan Local Overall EXCELLENCE Award: Porirua City Council
Creative New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award for Cultural Wellbeing: Selwyn District Council
MartinJenkins EXCELLENCE Award for Economic Wellbeing: Central Hawke's Bay District Council
Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities EXCELLENCE Award for Social Wellbeing: Hutt City Council