Working towards a consensus position on the Future for Local Government

7 September 2023
On 17-18 September we’re holding a critical event to drive localism and move towards a consensus position on the Future for Local Government recommendations.
Ahead of that event, we’re sharing some analysis to help inform councils’ discussions about this work.
Analysis of recommendations
The analysis explains the FFLG Panel’s recommendations, summarises their pros and cons, and poses some questions for consideration. It’s designed to help bring people up to speed and prepare for the 18 September event. It also looks at how likely local government and central government support is for each recommendation. This is based on all the feedback we’ve had from members over the past two years and analysis of councils’ submissions – and we want to know if you think it’s right.
The matrix looks in more detail at the likely levels of support and other relevant factors for each recommendation. It gives each recommendation a priority rating based on those factors. That priority rating is an attempt to indicate how important it is for local government to reach consensus on that recommendation. We’re really interested in your feedback on this work, which should be considered a draft. Thanks to the FFLG Advisory Group for driving the development of this matrix.
What’s the 17-18 September event about?
This event is the next step after our AGM, which voted to move towards a unified position on the report’s recommendations as a whole.
We have a critical window to determine a future by local government and create a powerful platform from which to lobby the incoming government.
To succeed, we need all councils to be part of this conversation, whether you’re a regional, rural, provincial or metro council.
Date: Sunday 17 September for pre-event and Monday 18 September for full day hui
Where: Te Papa in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington
When: Please arrive by 4pm Sunday 17 September – the pre-event gathering on Sunday night is an integral part of the main event on Monday 18 September.
Who: Mayors, Chairs and Chief Executives are invited to this meeting and strongly encouraged to bring elected members. Representatives from Te Maruata, YEM and CBEC are also invited.
Registration: Please register for the September hui here. Cost $100+gst (excluding Sunday night dinner and drinks).
Moving towards consensus will be a two-part process – on 2-3 November we’ll be bringing all sectors together, with a focus on FFLG consensus on the first day then sectors gathering separately on the second day. Together we will create a solid advocacy platform that makes the incoming government Choose Localism.