LGNZ welcomes returning Minister of Local Government

2 November 2020
LGNZ is welcoming the appointment of the Hon. Nanaia Mahuta as Minister of Local Government for a second term.
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is welcoming the appointment of the Hon. Nanaia Mahuta as Minister of Local Government for a second term and is looking forward to continuing a partnership to address the challenges facing New Zealand’s councils and communities.
LGNZ is the peak body representing New Zealand’s 78 local councils, providing a unified voice for the sector and a pathway for continuous improvement through CouncilMARK™.
“LGNZ would like to congratulate the Honourable Minister Mahuta on her reappointment as Minister of Local Government, and also on her new role as Minister of Foreign Affairs.”
“Minister Mahuta has been a strong supporter of councils as they have worked to address some of the biggest challenges New Zealand has faced across three waters, urban development, housing and infrastructure, as well as in exploring new opportunities as they have arisen,” said LGNZ President Stuart Crosby.
“When local government and central government work to our respective strengths, great things happen. We saw that in our response to Covid, where the partnership between local and central government enabled our successful nationwide lockdown.”
“We look forward to working together to enable outcomes that are equally as successful as our Covid response, and to find that sweet spot where top down decision making and resourcing can meet bottom up experience and community direction.”
“There is a whole new generation of local government representatives that are eager to see their communities thrive, and on behalf of them, we look forward to working with Minister Mahuta to empower their work.”