Condolences to the family of Dave Cull

27 April 2021
LGNZ President Stuart Crosby shares his condolences to the family of former LGNZ President and Dunedin City Mayor Dave Cull.
“It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Dave Cull. Our condolences go out to his family.”
“Dave was a tremendous advocate for local government, both locally and nationally. He had a great talent for forging meaningful relationships with a wide range of people, including our counterparts in central government, that delivered positive change not only for his own community of Dunedin, but for communities around New Zealand.”
“His ability to communicate was something he no doubt developed across many roles he held in his life – as a carpenter, TV presenter, author, speaker and elected member among many things. He had an amazing ability to connect with people, and translate often complex information for all New Zealanders.”
“Part of his legacy as LGNZ President will be the way he drove our climate change portfolio, and the need for urgency in how we address it. Serving under him as LGNZ Vice-President was an honour.”
“I was privileged to visit him over the long weekend, and he was in good spirits, surrounded by family.”
“Dave possessed great knowledge, humility, and mana, and he will be missed greatly by his local government whānau.”
Dave Cull served as President of LGNZ from July 2017 to August 2020, and served as co-President Pacific of the United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific Region (UCLG-ASPAC) and Vice Chair of Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF).